Single-Tooth Vs. Full-Arch Implants – What’s Better For Me?

Both single-tooth and full-arch dental implants are great ways to restore your smile permanently. However, there are some major differences between them when it comes to cost, treatment time, eligibility, and other such things. Wondering what’s better for you? Find out in this blog from Tampa Smile Co.

Understanding The Basics Of Single-Tooth Implants

Single-tooth implants are the most common type of dental implant. They consist of a single dental implant and a dental crown. The dental implant is a small, screw-shaped piece of titanium. This implant is placed directly into your gum and jaw bone, where it heals and permanently bonds with your jaw tissue, functioning as an artificial tooth root.

Then, once the implant heals, a dental crown (false tooth) is built. This porcelain tooth attaches to your implant, replacing your missing tooth and allowing you to eat, smile, and speak normally once again.

Understanding The Basics & Benefits Of Full-Arch Implants

Full-arch implants are similar to single-tooth implants. But instead of using one dental implant and one crown to replace one missing tooth, they replace a full row of upper, lower, or both teeth. 

Full-arch implants use a series of 4-6 dental implants, which are placed into your gums and jaw after all of your remaining teeth are extracted. Right after your surgery, you’ll get a set of temporary teeth, which attach to your newly-placed implants.

Then, once your dental implants heal, a set of permanent or removable dentures will be made. These implants fit perfectly onto your dental implants, which lock them in place and prevent them from moving or shifting. Full-arch implants are a great alternative to dentures, since they're more stable, look more natural, and last longer than traditional dentures.

Comparing Single-Tooth Vs. Full-Arch Implants – What Are The Differences?

So, you may be wondering what the differences are between single-tooth and full-arch implants. These procedures are similar, but there are some very important things to keep in mind when choosing between them:

  • Overall cost – Single-tooth implants and full-arch implants are not usually covered by insurance. Single-tooth implants are much less expensive than full-arch implants, since you’re only replacing one or two missing teeth.

  • Complexity of treatment – Single-tooth implants may require the extraction of one or two unhealthy teeth to prepare for your implants. In contrast, full-arch implants usually require the removal of all of your remaining teeth.

  • Eligible candidates – If you’re missing a few teeth but your mouth is healthy, single-tooth implants are usually your best choice. In contrast, if most of your teeth are unhealthy due to gum disease, tooth decay, or other oral health issues, full-arch implants may be a better option.

What’s Best For You? Find Out At Tampa Smile Co.

Overall, single-tooth implants are usually the best choice if you’re missing a few teeth, but your remaining teeth are healthy. Replacing a few missing teeth with dental implants is simple, and much more cost-effective compared to removing all of your teeth and replacing them with full-arch implants.

In contrast, full-mouth implants are a better option if you’ve lost most of your teeth, you have lots of oral health problems, or you’ve had traditional dentures in the past and you want a permanent solution for your missing teeth.

Not sure what’s right for you? Don’t worry. At Tampa Smile Co., Dr. Mohammad Bawany specializes in both single-tooth and full-arch dental implants in Tampa. If you’re looking to restore your smile permanently, we’re here to help. Contact us online or give us a call at (801) 837-2380 to schedule an appointment today, and take your first steps toward a better smile.

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